About Me

In modern day fashion, designer’s garments fall under one of the categories of classics or trends. Classics, like the white button down, are practical pieces that survive almost anything, including the turn of a decade. Trends, however, are just the opposite. Trends are unique items which are prevalent for a short amount of time within the fashion industry and slowly lose popularity. That does not mean that these trends have disappeared forever though.

My name is Evan Rauch and I am a public relations major at the University of Texas at Austin. Owning a jewelry business, it is necessary I understand what the latest trends are, as well as guess what future trends will consist of.

Trends phase back into fashion the same way they phase out. I am here to show you the importance of revived trends within the fashion industry. Some trends make such a comeback that they even become a timeless classic. I hope to connect modern women’s fashion with fashion of previous decades and inspire the inner fashionista within all of you.